Xen Mendlesohn of Xellular Identity has tagged me...similar to school yard days, tagging in the blogosphere seems akin to a convergence of being asked to join Kiwanis, being welcomed into "the club" and ponzi networking. A neophyte to such things, I've noticed that the table stakes' inflation rate in this exercise has increased 100% in the last six months from 4 random things about the tagee to now 8. A reference by one tagee to just "come by for a drink when it gets to 11" hopefully reflects the upward boundaries.
Keeping up the good spirit of such things, the fact that I'm looking to reach out to Centers of Influence (COIs) in the mobile community, and that this is a good way to do it, here goes...ahh, "XENSEI" advises that "the theory is that you will learn a lot of little unknown facts about each other."
So, here are the rules of the new 8 Random Things tag game:
- We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
- Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves
- People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
And here, eight random things about me:
- I've had the privilege to meet the last four US presidents, as well as their their Vice Presidents--Reagan/Bush, Bush/Quayle, Clinton/Gore and Bush/Cheney. Long long story behind how I got into these positions over 24 years through conscious effort and serendipity. In the same meeting where I met Bill Clinton and Al Gore, I also met then US Secretary of State Madeline Albright and Defense Secretary William Cohen. And it wasn't planned!
- I was a professional ski Instructor for 4 winters
- I collect watches
- I landed in the wireless business 11 years ago in California, even though I had been looking for a mobile job in Europe.
- I have a Chinese daughter and an American son....well....kinda. After employing a Chinese university student to be my "family minder" while me and my family lived in China for five months in 2005, she explained the Chinese tradition of having a "second family." No worries there since we embraced her as family while she was with us every day, but I hadn't been planning on putting her through graduate school :o)
- I'm a morning person, usually up around 05:30 am addressing email and talking to friends across the pond.
- I don't like chocolate, but love lemons.
- I love being outdoors--in any type of weather.
- BONUS: I am a transformers junkie enabler [read "Transformers & China"] and have hunted in every store in Hong Kong and Tokyo for my son's addiction to them.
I'm tagging some who know me, some who don't--just like in recess let's get acquainted: Judy Breck, Zach, Justin Oberman, Andy Chen, Bena Roberts, Ewan McLeod, Martin Sauter, and Mike Sparr.
That was a lot of fun! Thanks. :)
Posted by: kristy sammis | October 08, 2007 at 02:46 PM
Real simple. Just post on your blog 8 random things about yourself, state the rules upfront, and tag eight others.
Posted by: Paul | July 26, 2007 at 06:31 AM
hi paul - I am visiting and thanks for the tag - will respond to the email and I hope you are well. I am not sure how to return the tag or what to do - do I respond here on my blog - sorry - never been tagged before! bena
Posted by: bena | July 26, 2007 at 03:35 AM
As promised, you learn a lot about each other by playing this tagging game :)
Posted by: Xen | July 25, 2007 at 11:17 AM